Things I've learned on my yoga mat

Things I’ve learned on my yoga mat:
💫I am not my thoughts
✨I’m stronger than I know
⚡️I’m capable of far more than my mind would let me believe
🌟There is a difference between discomfort and pain
💫You don’t know what you don’t know
✨Struggling does not mean failing. Struggling means you are doing your best
💙 When you are ready, the asana reveals itself to you.
⚡️you don’t have to like it, you just have to do it
🌟Don’t cheat the asana
💫 when you change the way you breathe, you change the way you think
✨When you change the way you move, you change the way you act
💙Freedom is structure
⚡️ I am a spark of divinity
🌟There is no end to possibility
💫 every breath is an opportunity to go deeper into yourself
✨ if I can stand on one leg, or two hands, or on my head and breathe, I can be kind to EVERYONE.
💙”Inside us there is a universe. Outside, there is just a world.”- Prashant Iyengar
What have you learned on your yoga mat?
Tell me in the comments!