Everything is possible with a little practice

"I don't how to do iiiit," Rasa whined as she sat down on the curb, crossed her arms, and pursed her lips into a pout.

She had been trying to pedal an older neighbor's bicycle , but after five minutes of being assisted in pushing the pedals, she looked around at the older kids zooming past her, and feeling discouraged, dismounted, and took a seat next to me.

"I know it's hard to be new at something," I told her, "but everything is hard at first for everyone".

She lifted her eyes from the ground to mine, "Really?", she asked.

I pulled her into my lap and leaned my head against hers.

"You know how you get good at something?"

I paused--

"By never doing it!"

"I'm just kidding," I said as she began to smile, "by practicing! Nothing is easy at first, but with a little practice, everything is possible"

Rasa's smile broadened, and she stood up and got back on the bicycle. After ten more minutes of me guiding her, she began pedaling on her own.

"I didn't know that I could do that!!!" she shouted as she pedaled around the parking lot.


Use the energy of the New Year as fuel to try something new. Stop comparing yourself to others or dismissing yoga as something for "other people" who find it "easy"---it's not "naturally easy" for anyone; it's a practice, like everything else you have ever learned. Was your first one mile jog done within five minutes?

STOP SELLING YOURSELF SHORT. With a little practice, everything is possible.

Yoga is for you. Yoga is for everyone. Practice with me on zoom! You can view my teaching schedule and registration sheet here.

I teach Level 1 classes on Sunday and Monday, and Level 2 Vinyasa on Tuesday.